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Second Grade

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We're having lots of fun and learning many new things. Browse through our Second Grade website by selecting a name from the box to the right.  To leave a voice mail message, call 651 293-8790 and follow the prompts.

2nd Grade Team

1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 12 of 50 constituents

Coral Aho

TA 2 - Inclusion

Thomas Altman

Tchr - Science Prep

Jacob Bambenek

Tchr - Phy Ed

Paula Bangert

Tchr - Grade 4

Jessica Bernard

Tchr - Grade 4

Elizabeth Bishop

Tchr - English Second Language

Jacob Blum


Maddie Boeckmann

TA 2 - Special Ed

Carina Cannon

Tchr - Grade 2

Liz Cannon

TA 2 - Special Ed

Carol DiFrancesco

School Nurse

Bridget Dols

Tchr - Academic Support
1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 12 of 50 constituents