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Fifth Grade

WELCOME TO 5TH GRADE! You can learn more about our classrooms by using the links below and to the right.


Our 5th grade Everyday Math is a spiraling curriculum that focuses on concepts and problem solving to build mathematical understanding and flexibility.  The content standards include Number Sense, Patterns, Functions, and Algebra, Geometry Shape and Space, Measurement, Data/Statistics, and Probability/Chance.  A large component of the curriculum includes skills development through Everyday Math Games that are both fun and skill building. Math Homework (Study Links) is assigned daily. Check the student planner!

We also supplement personalized math learning with the use of MOBY MAX to close gaps and misconceptions in each student's math learning.

Readers Workshop uses a Balanced Literacy approach to improve reading comprehension, inference skills, vocabulary, and other sub-skills of reading instruction.  We use large group and small group lessons to build reading confidence, read non-fiction and fiction materials at the 5th grade level, and incorporate many readings and lessons that focus on our community.  We also use FAST testing to identify student gaps and misconceptions. This helps drive our lessons and focus on reading skills needed by the class. 

Writers Workshop for 5th grade focuses on expanding student's previous writing experiences.  The emphasis is on developing multiple paragraph literary, biographical, and personal essays whose content meets the standards for descriptive, narrative, clarification, and expository writing.  We also write lyrically with a variety of poetry types, research facts for a realistic fiction piece, create an autobiographical memoir, and write nonfiction feature articles that reflect current events. Writing mechanics such as grammar and punctuation are taught for mastery in writing. We use our technology in writing to do various publications using apps such as: Google Docs, Keynote, and Sketchbook.

In 5th grade, the Social Studies curriculum focuses on American History, starting around 30,000 BC until the late 1800s.  The content includes the 5 themes of Social Studies.  We pay particular attention to the different people involved in historical events, and the effect those interactions have on them.  Students also study geography and politics through creating and interpreting maps.  The important skill of note-taking is taught during Social Studies.

Spelling- Research has indicated that to be good spellers, students should master the 1000 Most Commonly Used Words, and develop root word knowledge from our language's Latin and Greek roots. Our spelling list weekly consists of 10 of the last 300 words on the Fry List of Most Commonly Used Words.  In addition, 5 Latin or Greek roots will be studied each week.

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5th Grade Team

Alyssa Flaten

Tchr - Grade 4-5, Tchr - Grade 5, Tchr - Grade 4, Tchr - Grade 5

James Matuzak

Tchr - Grade 5